Asset - Academic Survey System & Evaluation Tool
Asset is a free, open source, web-based project to create, maintain, and administer surveys and electronic voting ballots. You may use the official Asset server at Seton Hall University to try out the system. If you like what you see and would like to adopt it to your own needs, drop me a note to obtain the source code or to apply for your own account on our system. Asset has been used at Seton Hall for over 8 years and manages over 7 Million data points from just under 300,000 subjects. It is also used successfully for electronic voting.
Try out Asset
You may try out Asset for free. However, any surveys you create in demo mode are periodically deleted without warning.
- Visit the Asset server at
- Login with user name: "guest" (no quotes)
- Use as password: "seton hall" (no quotes but include the space)
- Set 'login as' to: "Local User"
Create and work with your own sample survey.
Asset Installation Instructions
The asset project is comprised of many Java classes, servlets and otherwise, and requires a servlet-enabled web server and an instance of a MySQL database server to be running. Asset is not intended to be installed by the casual user. However, if you really want to install asset on your own system, then:
- download the source code (a "jar" file) - contact me for the latest version
- uncompress the source code (type jar -xf asset3.x.x.jar)
- change into the directory that was created (type cd Asset-3.x.x)
- make sure you have access to an MySQL database
- make sure you know how to install servlets on your web server
- read and print out the installation file INSTALL.TXT included with the package
- if you are upgrading from a previous version of Asset, make sure to read and printout the update instructions contained in UPDATE.TXT included with the package
- work your way through that installation file, and if necessary the update file
If you have any questions, drop me a note - I will try to answer if possible, but there's no guarantee.
If you don't know what a "jar" file is, you should probably not attempt to install Asset on your own system.